Lyin' Ryan Blames Social Security And Medicare For Deficit

Full zombie-eyed, granny-starver mode!

Lyin' Paul Ryan went on Faux News' Sunday Morning Futures and proudly declared that, if he gets his way, the poor, the elderly and the disabled will have no future.

Somehow doing it with a straight face, Ryan stated that the only way - the ooooonnnnnnllllllyyyyy way! - to deal with the ballooning defecit is to attack the root cause - the Republican tax cut giveaways to the rich.

Not really.

He tried to blame the trillions of deficit that he and his fellow Republicans caused with their extremely lavish tax cut giveaways on "entitlements."

Yeah, right. The fact that the Kochs alone were going to get $1.5 billion from Ryan's giveaway had absolutely nothing to do with it.

And never mind that the military - already bigger than most other countries combined - is getting even more money.

No, the problem is grandma and grandpa, who put their money into Social Security and Medicaid so that they would have it in their golden years. Those parasites need to be cut off immediately!

Now, the cynical person might say that Ryan is simply trying to cash in on his last year as Speaker of the House, if not in Congress altogether (Go Randy IronStache Bryce!).

But Ryan said himself that cutting off grandma's income and health insurance is good for her and will set her free.

Free to die.

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