Maxine Waters Slams Steve Mnuchin On Russia Sanctions
Trump's White House doesn't get to ignore laws. No, they really don't.
Here's something Fox News will never show their viewers!
Maxine Waters connected the obvious dots today: Trump ignoring an almost unanimous Congress, and a bill he himself signed, to make sure his buddy Putin wouldn't have sanctions imposed.
If anything points to a quid pro quo between Donald Trump and the Russian interference in our election, it's that Trump will ignore a law he signed in order to make Putin happy.
Maxine Waters used her time at the House Financial Stability Oversight Council to let Treasury Secretary (yeah) Steve Mnuchin know how we all feel about this criminal cabal in the White House, and specifically the sanctions they are intent on ignoring.
Mnuchin at first tried the weak sauce that all sanctions materials had been delegated to the State Department.
REP MAXINE WATERS: Who is responsible for delegating what was passed by an overwhelming majority of this House to the State Department?
STEVE MNUCHIN: The president.
WATERS: So the president decided that despite the fact that in the law that we passed, it delegated responsibility to Treasury, that he decided that he wanted it to be delegated to the State Department rather than Treasury. And this is your excuse for not having implemented the law, is that correct?
MNUCHIN: No, it’s not my excuse. The president had the authority to delegate within that as he chose fit.
WATERS: But the final conclusion is that nothing has been done. There has been no waiver, there has been no delay, there has not been anything that has been done. You did not waive or delay sanctions. That is the conclusion.
MNUCHIN: An enormous amount of work has been done by the Treasury on Russian sanctions.
[Kind of like with the tax bill? -- eds]
WATERS: Would you describe the ‘enormous amount of work’ that has been done?
At this point Mnuchin used the "my dog classified my homework" excuse.
WATERS: Are you telling me that your response to the overwhelming majority of this Congress having created law to impose sanctions on Russia that undermined our democracy, that your response is classified?
MNUCHIN I assure you that as it relates to the work being done in Treasury, there will be sanctions. We complied with the law on time.
WATERS: The Congress of the United States does not know what you are doing! The Congress of the United States does not expect that your response to the public policy that was developed by us be somehow responded to in a classified way.
Steve Mnuchin is the biggest waste of taxpayer salary I've seen so far in Trumpland. Does he do anything except show up in Congress for a regular beating down by Maxine Waters?
I guess Trump, and especially the other members of Trump's cabinet, figure that's worth a lot.