NRA's Website Still Hosts '10 Reasons To Own An AR-15'
Because of course it does.

Noting Mr. David Brooks capitulating to the soft-testicled carriers of weapons of mass murder, and got it into my head to visit the NRA's website.
Under the heading "Trending on NRA Publications" was a link to an article "10 Reasons To Own An AR-15" from 2016...
I don't expect C&L readers to click on an NRA link, so here are Cliffs Notes to the article:
1. The word "fun" appears 6 times on the page (though I can never find the first hit).
2. Reasons to own this weapon include:
"Tinkering," (what?)
"Farm/Ranch Use," (again, what?)
"Competitive Shooting,"
"Disaster Preparedness,"
"Bringing Women Into Shooting,"
and "America’s Rifle."
3. At no point does the author point out that we have first-person shooter video games that allow you to fire much cooler guns at much cooler enemies...without killing anyone in the real world.
Because where would be the "fun" in that?