Oh No! Now He's Done It. Trump Rigged The Miss Universe Pageants!

I’m not joking. There’s pretty convincing evidence that Trump rigged the Miss Universe contest to favor countries where he had business dealings.

I’m not joking. There’s pretty convincing evidence that Trump rigged the Miss Universe contest to favor countries where he had business dealings.

I know. Shocking. Hey, if you lost money on the Miss Universe outcome, you ought to sue him.

“He made comments about every girl: ‘I’ve been to that country.’ ‘We’re building a Trump Tower there,’” said Canadian former contestant Adwoa Yamoah. “It was clear the countries that he liked did well. He’d whisper to Paula about the girls, and she’d write it down. He basically told us he picked nine of the top fifteen.”

And there’s also a pageant judge who says Trump was the damn judge.

And one judge at the pageant told Toobin that he was floored when saw that several of the women he and his fellow judges had picked as finalists did not make it to the official list of winners, as Trump apparently intervened to override their decisions.

Colluding with Russia is one thing, but rigging the Miss Universe contest is a whole ‘nother thing.

Crossposted at juanitajean.com

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