Parkland Students Go After Rick Scott, Rubio, Paul Ryan As NRA Enablers

'The GOP has abandoned us and left us to people like Nikolas Cruz', said one student.

Some of the Parkland students have been unusually vocal and blunt in their assessment of who's to blame for school massacres: Republicans who take money from and are enablers for the National Rifle Association. Their rage is so strong, so raw it might even effect change in this sick culture. Here they are this morning on CNN.

Source: Raw Story

Sitting down with CNN host Victor Blackwell, the five students who have started up a project called “Never Again MSD,” went right after GOP officials by name.

“Wednesday’s high school shooting has renewed the national conversation about gun control,” Blackwell began. “Now the president says he’s working with Congress on many fronts on this issue. In the meantime, some students at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School say they feel abandoned and have a message for D.C.. You said that the governor and Senator Rubio murdered 17 people — why?”

“It’s Rick Scott and Marco Rubio who allowed this to happen,” student Cameron Kasky explained. “They are enablers, and the blood of 17 people and all those injured and all the families that have been hurt, this is all on them. They have us thinking that this is inevitable, and that we can’t do anything to stop it, that it’s too difficult. We’re done with that. The GOP has abandoned us and left us to people like Nikolas Cruz.”

After sharing a clip of House Speaker Paul Ryan (R-WI) saying it was not the time to take sides, Stoneman Douglas junior Alex Wind fired back.

“I disagree with that statement because it’s very clear that there are two sides to this, and there are certain people that accept money from the NRA,” he remarked. “I believe Speaker Ryan is one of those people. It doesn’t seem that the country is coming together, it seems that they’re sending prayers and condolences but not taking action like they need to be.”

Asked about attacking the NRA, with Blackwell saying, the NRA “didn’t pull the trigger,” student Sawyer Garrity squarely put the blame on the NRA.

“They might not have pulled the trigger, but they’re who allowed him to buy the gun,” she told the CNN host. “Someone who isn’t allowed to buy alcohol legally is allowed to buy a war weapon? Where does that make sense?”

Here is the full segment.

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