Piers Morgan Gets Upset As BBC Show Has Him Eating Trump's Ass

The British twit and Trump fanboy did not like their graphic graphic.

Rachel Parris' 'Guide to Serious Journalism' hit a nerve with Piers Morgan when she gave his recent interview with Donald Trump as a prime example of a fluff interview, rather than real journalism. Her graphic graphic got the point across. So much so that Morgan tweeted it no less than three times, expressing his outrage, while the rest of the Internet ridiculed him.

Source: Splinter News

Piers Morgan, the renowned British TV troll, has made himself well-known for his anti-feminist and transphobic takes and, most recently, as a Donald Trump super-fan.

But he showed that he would indeed do anything for that love on Friday, when he repeatedly tweeted a graphic cartoon image of himself eating Trump’s ass on Twitter. Feast your eyes and prepare to bleach your brain:
The image came from the BBC satirical news show The Mash Report, where correspondent Rachel Parris joked that Trump’s and Morgan’s body language during a softball interview this week “hinted at a greater intimacy between the two men,” before flashing to the cartoon image of Morgan quite gingerly going to town on the president of the United States.

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