Reince Priebus On Trump/Russia Collusion: 'I Never Felt I Was Involved In Something Nefarious'

Reince Priebus, former chief of staff to President Donald Trump, said on Sunday that he never felt that the Trump campaign or Trump administration was involved in anything "nefarious."

Reince Priebus, former chief of staff to Donald Trump, said on Sunday that he never felt that the Trump campaign or Trump administration was involved in anything "nefarious."

During an interview on Meet the Press, host Chuck Todd asked Priebus if he felt "misled" when he was told that Donald Trump Jr.'s meeting with Russians was about adoptions even though it was later revealed that it was about getting dirt on the Clinton campaign.

"Not in the end," Priebus opined. "The people involved truly believed it was a nothing meeting, totally about these issues of Russian adoptions. I don't know what the motivations were. Okay? So, I only know what I know."

"I never felt that I was involved in something nefarious," he added. "The whole way through, from beginning to end. So, you can understand the frustration of the president when he's told he's not under investigation."

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