Remember When Blake Farenthold Was Going To Write A Check To Repay Taxpayers?
I'm sure you're shocked to know he hasn't done it.

Remember when South Texas Congressslob Blake Farenthold promised to repay the $84,000 of taxpayer money he used to pay off a woman he had sexually harassed?
That was on December 3rd and he promised to repay it within a week.
I hope you haven’t been holding your breath or tapping your fingers on the breakfast table waiting for Blake to write a check.
U.S. Rep. Blake Farenthold has backed off his pledge to pay back a taxpayer-funded sexual harassment settlement.
A member of his communications staff says, on the advice of counsel, Farenthold is “waiting to see what changes the House makes to the Congressional Accountability Act before repaying the funds.”
No, no, uh uh, no. Whatever changes they do make, Blake still owes you and me $84,000. Nothing is gonna change that except for a check for $84,000 with Blake’s signature on it.
Now here’s the fun part. It ain’t like he can’t afford it. He’s worth $6.6 million smackeronis.
Write a damn check, Blake.
However, Blake is trying to kiss-up to the ladies in another way.

Too little, too late, Bozo.
That’s all you gave the ladies, when you had plenty of money for lawyers?

Now, those of you with time to tap your fingers on the table, go look at Blake’s expenses with his campaign money. He shames Louie Gohmert in the Holy Cow! department.