Rick Perlstein Becomes Twitter Hero After Speaking Up For Mika
Joe Scarborough talked over what she was saying, as he is wont to do.
This was revealing. In a segment about fake news and modern technology that can create fake videos that was actually pretty interesting, historian Rick Perlstein politely asked to hear what Mika Brzezinski was trying to say (hint: Rick, she's hardly ever worth listening to).
Joe Scarborough got very sarcastic and I'm guessing Perlstein won't be invited back for a while.
But Twitter loved it!
First: Scarborough does do this all the time, and it's annoying as hell. But I do want to point out that Mika Brzezinski hardly ever says anything worth hearing. She also takes every possible opportunity to plug her book and her "Know Your Value" events for women, to the point where she is constantly trying to jam that template over every single topic -- especially anything having to do with Hillary Clinton.
So yes, Scarborough is a dick who talks over his fiance. But after years of documenting the morning atrocities, I've yet to see her value. She went to a good school, I don't think she's actually stupid. She's just one of those people who lives in a nice little bubble and thinks she knows everything.