In The Trump Era, Ben Carson's Corruption Is A Minor Story
The Swamp grows ever larger, and compared to Trump's other scandals, this is insignificant. Rachel Maddow highlights how far we've fallen.
Rachel Maddow took just a couple minutes on her show Wednesday to point out that Trump's HUD Secretary provided his son with a no-bid government contract worth $485,000.
In any other administration, Rachel says, "that's the kind of thing that would be front page news for days and lead to multiple congressional investigations. it would be something a whole presidency was remembered for, in a bad way."
In the Trump White House, however, that's known as "Wednesday."
And since the President is doing it, the president's kids are doing it, hordes of retiring Republican Congressmen using smash and grab with the tax system are doing it...
...why not Ben Carson?
We've entered an era where a Republican President gets to do this because he "won."
And when they're out of office, they'll enrich themselves with multi-million dollar "investigations" of imaginary Benghazi baby parts Sidney Blumenthal murdered Vince Foster Whitewater Christmas Card list travelgate Solyndra the tarmac fast and furious and HER EMAILS fake scandals.