Trump's White Liars: Hope Hicks And Roger Stone

Hope Hicks pulls a Bannon on answering Intel Committee's questions, meanwhile Roger Stone DID communicate with Wikileaks during campaign.

Hope Hicks tells white lies for Donald Trump.

Lawrence O'Donnell use the play on words, "white" being a lie alleged good girls like Hope Hicks allegedly tell, and also the race of choice for supremacy in the Trump White House. Lawrence relies on this New York Times story for details of Hicks' appearance before the House Judiciary Committee.

Hope Hicks, the White House communications director, told House investigators on Tuesday that her work for President Trump, who has a reputation for exaggerations and outright falsehoods, had occasionally required her to tell white lies.

But after extended consultation with her lawyers, she insisted that she had not lied about matters material to the investigations into Russia’s interference in the 2016 presidential election and possible links to Trump associates, according to three people familiar with her testimony.

...She also pointedly and repeatedly declined to answer questions about the presidential transition or her time in the White House, lawmakers who sat in on the testimony said, telling investigators that she had been asked by the White House to discuss only her time on the campaign. They added that she did not formally invoke executive privilege.

Here at C&L we call that "pulling a Bannon," but House Intel minority chair Adam Schiff called it "not executive privilege, but executive stonewalling." And it's only because Republicans like Devin Nunes run that committee that they get away with it.

This segment also dips into another of Trump's white liars (pun intended) ratfcker extraordinaire and ball gag aficionado Roger Stone lied about talking to Wikileaks during the campaign. He said he didn't but he did.

And that is a "route of collusion" between Russia and the Trump campaign.

And check out Jill Wine-Banks's pin of the day, the witch, a response to Donald Trump's 'Witch Hunt" tweet yesterday. Wine-Banks points out that "as charming as Roger Stone can be" (yeah we got your snark there, Jill) he is changing his story as evidence is revealed that he lied. Wine-Banks notes that this is a "good road for Mueller to pursue," and that if Republicans in Congress don't force White House officials to testify as to their activities related to Trump Russia, then...

The Republicans in Congress are part of a cover-up.

Yes. They are.

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