Tucker Carlson: Welcoming Immigrants Is ‘A Recipe For Civil War’

You know what another recipe for civil war is? White supremacists spouting hate on the air.

Tucker Carlson’s knickers got into such a twist over George W. Bush speaking positively about immigrants and immigration that it sparked thoughts of civil war.

During Tucker Carlson Tonight last night, the government was on the verge of shutting down, the White House remained knee-deep in the Rob Portmer scandal and the numerous issues it raises about security clearances for White House personnel and tolerance of domestic abuse but for Carlson, the top story last night was remarks in Abu Dhabi by former President Bush about Dreamers: “America’s their home… [Congress has] got to get it fixed.” And the Carlson-pearl-clutch-inducing “There are people willing to do jobs that Americans won’t do… We ought to say thank you and welcome them.”

That was enough to send white-nationalist whisperer Carlson into a frenzy of animosity!

CARLSON: Well, this is the magical world of our elites, people who’ve never had to worry about how illegal immigrants might affect their kids’ schools or the crime rate in their gated neighborhoods or the social cohesion of their communities because they’re insulated from all of that.

Now, that’s rich, pardon the pun. Carlson, himself is in the elite of the elite and he works tirelessly to destroy social cohesion, himself.

In fact, more divisiveness was Carlson’s clear aim here – as he pretended otherwise. Carlson complained about “ominous” signs of Dreamers demonstrating and not being "grateful," thus suggesting immigrants are enemies of America. He just happened to single out Linda Sarsour, a Muslim activist. What he didn’t mention is that Sarsour is an American-born citizen. But maybe Muslims and immigrants are all the same to Carlson. “Sarsour is not grateful. She hates our country and the people who founded it,” he griped.

Yet when it comes to hating our country, it’s hard to find anyone hating on America, and with a bigger platform, than Carlson and his Fox peeps.

This is how Carlson “loved” America right after denouncing fellow countrywoman Sarsour for not being grateful enough that her immigrant (Muslim) parents were allowed in.

CARLSON: Notice the cheers in the crowd. A lot of people agree with Linda Sarsour and that should make you nervous. We’ve invited millions and millions of people into this country in recent years. There are now more immigrants in America right now than in any time in the history of the country. Is America more united than ever before? Is it stronger? Please. It’s just the opposite and everyone knows it.

Maybe that’s because our elites welcome immigrants by telling them how horrible America is, that how bigoted its native population. Our immigrants believe that. Why wouldn’t they? It’s not their fault, it’s ours. We’re creating a lot of Linda Sarsours. This is a recipe for civil war. Diverse countries need a reason to stick together. They don’t do it organically. Our elites ought to be staying up late, night after night, every night, trying to figure out what that reason is, why should we hang together? A shared language, a shared culture, a shared set of core beliefs – pick one! Our ruling class rejects all of those.

Watch Carlson promote more divisiveness above, from the February 8, 2018 Tucker Carlson Tonight.

Originally published at Newshounds.us

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