Bloomberg News: Mueller May Delay Decision On Obstruction Charges
He may put that part of the investigation on the back burner while he completes other parts of the probe, current and former U.S. officials told Bloomberg News.

Timing is everything, and Bloomberg News reports today that special counsel Bob Mueller is weighing a decision about whether to delay any obstruction charges.
He may put that part of the investigation on the back burner while he completes other parts of the probe, current and former U.S. officials told Bloomberg News.
He apparently believes that witnesses might not cooperate in other parts of the probe, or the president may try to shut it down.
The obstruction portion of the probe could likely be completed after several key outstanding interviews, including with the president and his son, Donald Trump Jr. The president’s lawyers have been negotiating with Mueller’s team over such an encounter since late last year. But even if Trump testifies in the coming weeks, Mueller may make a strategic calculation to keep his findings on obstruction secret, according to the current and former U.S. officials, who discussed the strategy on condition of anonymity.
Any clear outcome of the obstruction inquiry could be used against Mueller: Filing charges against Trump or his family could prompt the president to take action to fire him. Publicly clearing Trump of obstruction charges -- as the president’s lawyers have requested -- could be used by his allies to build pressure for the broader investigation to be shut down.
Other key matters under investigation by Mueller’s team, with its 17 career prosecutors, include whether Trump or any of his associates helped Russia meddle in the 2016 campaign. Mueller is also expected to indict some of those responsible for hacking the Democratic National Committee before the election and publicly leaking stolen material in an effort to hurt Democrat Hillary Clinton.