CBS And Trump Fight Over Upcoming Stormy 60 Minutes Interview
And for CBS, it's not about freedom. It's about money.
Axios morning email thingie does some navel gazing:
“Fake news” has become ubiquitous as a signal to a politician’s supporters to ignore legitimate reporting and hard questions, and as a smear of beleaguered and dwindling local press corps, AP’s Ryan Foley writes:
- An Idaho state lawmaker urges her constituents to submit entries for her “fake news awards.”
- The Kentucky governor tweets #FAKENEWS to dismiss questions about his purchase of a home from a supporter.
- An aide to the Texas land commissioner uses the phrase to downplay the significance of his boss receiving donations from employees of a company that landed a multimillion-dollar contract.
“Why it matters: Experts on the press and democracy say the cries of “fake news” could do long-term damage by sowing confusion and contempt for journalists and by undermining the media’s role as a watchdog o [sic]”
So, you want to be a watchdog? Really? Then do your jobs. What’s stopping you?
I would like to remind everyone that this is a direct result of the fanboy’ing that The Media did during the 2016 Goat Rodeo (and before). While the MSM was covering every bleat and mewl from Candidate Stupid and giving him (by some estimates) $2B Ameros worth of free coverage and endlessly hyping the very fake conspiracy theory news of Hillary’s emails/Uranium 1, etc., you were sowing the seeds of your own destruction.
Paraphrasing Bill Moyer: report the facts and letting them lead you to a conclusion is not bias. It is reporting.
What you are doing now is at best Both Siderism. It is bullshit.
So while The Russian Usurper is now calling for our allegedly free press to be curtailed like in his adopted homeland of Russia, and you STILL are waiting for him to pivot to being prznintial (it ain’t never gonna happen), why don’t you pivot yourselves and start doing your jobs?
Comrade Prznint has a thousand scandals and potentially prosecutable crimes, and instead of covering that, we get endless stories of palace intrigue and gossip: who’s up, who’s down, who’s about to be You’re Fired’ed. We don’t get coverage of all the conflicts of interest, from the taxes of Trump Inc. to blithely normalizing that every damn weekend that the Orange Menace and his wrecking crew are flying to Florida for golf and graft. No one blinks an eye any more as the Fourth Reich calls Merde-a-Laro the Winter White House. There is NO WINTER WHITE HOUSE.
Seriously, you Media guys should start doing your jobs insteading pearl clutching that the fascist that you helped to elect is now being mean to you. You’re not a watchdog, you’re a Diet Cokehead. (Apologies to Heathers.)
crossposted from Mock Paper Scissors "Shorter CBS: I only read Playboy for the articles"