Feds: PA Neo-Nazis Discussed Bombing Counter-Protesters At Rally
The court filing says members of Aryan Strike Force discussed the plan with members of the National Socialist Movement.
Members of Aryan Strike Force, a Pennsylvania white supremacist group, discussed setting off a suicide bomb to kill any counter protesters who showed up at a November 2016 neo-Nazi rally at the state Capitol, a court filing says.
(I'm sure they're very nice people.)
The court filing says members of Aryan Strike Force discussed the plan with members of the National Socialist Movement, a neo-Nazi group that held a Nov. 5, 2016, rally at the state Capitol. Informants told investigators that an Aryan Strike Force member who had a terminal illness said he was willing to blow himself up.
He allegedly said he could hide the bomb in his oxygen tank.
Prosecutors disclosed the plan in a motion earlier this month to opposes the case of one alleged ASF member whose lawyer is arguing entrapment.