Fox & Friends Ends Interview Right After Ex-Trump Attorney Says Stormy Daniels’ Hush Agreement Invalid
Oops! Someone went off-script!
Fox & Friends cohost Steve Doocy apparently got an answer he was not expecting when former Trump attorney Jay Goldberg gave credence to Stormy Daniels’ lawsuit to nullify her non-disclosure agreement with Donald Trump over his extra-marital relationship with her.
Think Progress explains why Daniels’ lawsuit matters:
The lawsuit is potentially a major development — it will make it more difficult for Trump to avoid answering questions about the alleged affair, and what he knew about a $130,000 payment that was made in exchange for Daniels’ silence about it just before the presidential election. Watchdog groups have raised concerns that the hush money payment to Daniels may have violated campaign finance laws.
This morning, on Fox & Friends, Goldberg spent several minutes discrediting the Mueller investigation (with a bit of prompting from cohosts Lisa Boothe and Brian Kilmeade) and urging Trump not to talk to Special Counsel Robert Mueller, just as the Trump Friends would have hoped.
Then, at about 3:05, Doocy brought up Daniels. Notice that Doocy never said a word about Trump’s extra-marital affair with Daniels which was the subject of the non-disclosure agreement. He didn’t even explain that Daniels is a porn star.
DOOCY: Jay, Stormy Daniels is in the news. She, apparently, is saying that the non-disclosure agreement that she had with the Trump organization is invalid because he never signed it.
GOLDBERG: Well, I think it’s true. If it’s an agreement, you need the signature of both parties and if there’s no signature by him, it’s not valid.Non-disclosure agreements are looked at with skepticism because it impairs negatively on the right of free speech.
Think Progress noted that several other Fox News segments avoided any serious discussion about Daniels, too. I did see a news report about it on Your World. But no discussion.
You know that if Barack Obama had been caught paying hush money to a porn star he had an extramarital affair with – and then had not signed a non-disclosure agreement his lawyer forked up the dough for - Fox would have had plenty more questions and plenty more discussion. But on Trump TV, Goldberg’s comments were a signal to end the segment immediately.
Watch what happens when a guest says something not-so-flattering to Dear Leader above, from the March 7, 2018 Fox & Friends.
Originally published at