Fox Makes March For Our Lives About Anti-Abortion March For Life
Fox News' "fair and balanced" discussion about today's March for Our Lives turned into a whataboutism whine about the anti-abortion March for Life. There was some dissembling, too.
Fox News' "fair and balanced" discussion about today's March for Our Lives turned into a whataboutism whine about the anti-abortion March for Life. There was some dissembling, too.
Fox host Elizabeth Prann set up the framing with her first question: "I do want to talk about messaging. ... This is supposed to be a gun reform rally but we're seeing a lot of anger ... targeted at the NRA. Is the message cohesive today?" As if Fox would ever worry about such a thing at a conservative rally.
Guest Josh Schwerin supported the students but, as I've come to expect with Democrats on Fox, did not call our Fox's obvious bias in asking such a question. As Schwerin noted the NRA's influence in Trump's flip flop on gun control, Prann interrupted to get the views of her other guest, conservative Bre Payton.
Payton wasted no time insisting that the students think "banning guns is going to magically stop violent crime." In fact, the students want to ban assault rifles and regulate guns, not ban all guns. But Prann did not correct her.
But after Payton gave the teens a compliment, saying she thought it "wonderful" to see so many kids engaged in civic action, she began her whataboutism whine: "I've gone to the March for Life for so many years now and crowd sizes have been the same in years past and yet the coverage difference has been very different."
FACT CHECK: This weekend's march drew much bigger crowds. Approximately 800,000 were in Washington, D.C. and more than one million partook nationally, according to USA Today. The biggest March for Life, on the other hand, drew 650,000 and that was in 2013. In 2018, only 150,000 were expected in Washington. But again, Prann did not correct the record. Nor did Schwerin speak up about the deception.
Watch the whataboutism below, from the March 24, 2018 America's News HQ.
Crossposted at News Hounds.
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