Grifter Gingrich Wonders At March For Our Lives Funding

Obviously he recognizes a revenue stream he hasn't accessed and he's jealous.

Try to control your gag reflex as host Chris Wallace cleans up disgraced, corrupt grifter Newt Gingrich's bio by referring to him as a "historian". Sure, if you count writing questionably factual books and producing similar videos for cheap and quick profit being a historian. Hell, he even ran for president just to be able to hold a book signing tour financed by his campaign.

What can you say? Grifters gotta grift. And it's possible that Newtie is simply jealous of a revenue stream that isn't accessible to him. So maybe that's why the first thing that occurs to him about the largest single day protest in history of the nation's capital is "Who paid for this?"

NEWT GINGRICH: I think it would be fascinating to know who paid for it all. I mean, the left has this wonderful ability to mobilize, so the day after inaugural, you have the women's march. People come in buses. Who paid for the buses? People who organize the whole process, who brought the entertainers?

The left can't govern, but they can sure demonstrate.

WALLACE: Well, I mean, respectfully, why does it matter who paid for it?

GINGRICH: It matters who paid for it because you’d like to know how does somebody build again and again an ability to demonstrate? I think it's useful for the country to know that, as part of the political process.

See, he's insinuating that there's some malevolent force that are funding these children to protest for sensible gun control. A malevolent force besides watching their friends and classmates violently mowed down by an assault rifle, apparently. Because the only lens through which Newt Gingrich views politics is personal profit.

Since it's not a secret that celebrities like George Clooney and Oprah Winfrey donated money for the event, it's another opportunity to remind those low-info Fox viewers that Hollywood elites are being mean to the NRA. It's got to sting a little that conservative darlings like the New England Patriots and Delta Airlines also got involved. Add a little Soros conspiracy mongering (How Soros would have any money if he paid for everything he's been accused of?) and you have the perfect conservative trifecta.

But it also ignores the incredible corporate and thinktank funding of the laughably "grassroots" Tea Party uprising, which Gingrich was only too happy to glom on to. Et tu, Newtie?

These kids weren't paid to protest. Only someone as craven as Gingrich would do that. These kids ARE the future. A future that has no room for grifters like him.

(courtesy of The Maven)

Oh, and a little pro-tip for the man who had to resign his speakership in disgrace: don't question Democrats' ability to govern. We ALWAYS have facts on our side.

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