Here's A Novel Reason For Not Arming Teachers: They're Delicate Women-Flowers!

Yeah, And them ole ta-tas get In the way of clear thinking and good aim.

Well, crap on a cracker, it’s Aladamnbama. What the fool tarnation did you expect?

Wondering if arming teachers is a dandy idea, Alabama Republican State Representative Harry Shiver (no kidding, that’s his name) had this to say:

… guns should not be placed in the hands of “our ladies” — meaning female teachers — many of whom he believes are “scared” of firearms.

“I’m not saying all [women], but in most schools, women are [the majority] of the teachers,” Shiver, a lawmaker representing a district northeast of Mobile, told AL.com in an interview published Thursday.

We can’t arm teachers because they are mostly girls and girls get all creeped out about guns.

Hey Harry, you bet your sweet misogynistic butt we do. If it takes misogynistic crapola to stop this bad idea of arming teachers, I’m gonna let it slide this time. And I hope some woman doesn’t get real pissed off at you and hit you upside the head with our weapon of choice – a frying pan. Or strangle you with our apron strings. Or give birth right in front of you and make you faint and hit your head on a rock.

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