Jim Carrey Slammed By Fox News For 'Disgraceful,' Garish Portrait Of Sarah Sanders

And the cast from 'Fox & Friends' didn't like it one bit.

Jim Carrey likes to paint. He also likes to paint caricatures of people from the Trump administration. This one is a pretty good likeness, and didn't need a nametag.

And of course, the kids at Fox & Friends didn't like it one bit.

Breitbart called the artwork "appalling" and "lewd" (?).

The appalling portrait Jim Carrey posted Saturday is just the latest lewd artwork the 56-year-old star has released of late, many of them assailing Republican lawmakers and members of President Donald Trump’s administration.

Source: Fox News

Jim Carrey faced swift backlash Sunday after the actor tweeted a painting that apparently showed White House Press Secretary Sarah Sanders in a terrifyingly garish light.

“This is the portrait of a so-called Christian whose only purpose in life is to lie for the wicked. Monstrous!” Carrey wrote in his tweet accompanying the portrait Saturday.

Though Carrey didn’t mention Sanders by name, many Twitter users knew right away who it was, The Wrap reported.

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