Is John Kelly Next To Go?

Rumors are picking up pace that Kelly may be next to walk.

The White House continues to be a place of incredible upheaval and instability, with staff leaving weekly, or sometimes even daily. The Washington Post reported Thursday night that H.R. McMaster, NSA Director, was going to be let go as soon as Friday. Now CBS is reporting that John Kelly may be next.

This is pure speculation right now, but the hoofbeats are getting stronger. CBS reports that two sources told them that John Kelly may also resign as early as Friday. Kelly has managed to hold on to his job since the the Summer of 2017, when he was brought in to replace Reince Priebus. He has used his military training to bring a minor amount of order to the Oval Office, although not nearly enough to contain an erratic, vindictive and mentally unstable President*.

Possible replacements, per CBS, are Mick Mulvaney, who currently runs OPM and the CFPB. Chaos, as always, defines Donald Trump's orbit. His stench of failure and degradation continues to permeate all those around him and the reputations of those that work for him are forever sullied. The Trump White House reality show is, hopefully, coming to a close soon. 4 years of this show may be too much for even the most fervent reality tv show lovers.

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