The New Birtherism: DNA Testing Elizabeth Warren

Make no mistake: This is about delegitimizing Democrats based on race.

Birtherism rises again.

On Fox News this weekend, host John Roberts repeated a question asked in a Massachusetts op-ed, would Elizabeth Warren be willing to have a DNA test to "prove" she's part native American?

Prove to whom? And why?

Warren gave what is clearly a prepared and level-headed answer.

ELIZABETH WARREN: Let me tell you a little bit about my family. My mom and dad were born and raised out in Oklahoma, and my daddy was in his teens when he fell in love with my mother.

She was a beautiful girl who played the piano. And he was head over heels in love with her and wanted to marry her. And his family was bitterly opposed to that because she was part Native American.

And eventually my parents eloped and they survived the Great Depression, they survived The Dust Bowl. They went through a lot of hard times. They raised three boys, my older brothers, all of whom went off to the military.

They raised me. They knocked around and it was tough but they hung together. They hung together for 63 years. I know who I am because of what my mother and my father told me, what my grandmother and my grandfather told me, what all my aunts and uncles told me and my brothers.

This question and request are Republican racism. "Prove" you are a real American. "Prove" you were born here. "Prove" you are who you say you are.

Prove to whom? The White Republican Jury who is already carefully chosen to rule against her, and Obama, and any not white or not male and not Republican candidate for anything.

Prove you're good enough -- you can't. Because you're not white and male and Republican. And THOSE are the qualifications you must have to be legitimate on Fox News.

It was true with birtherism and Barack Obama and it is true with Elizabeth Warren and this DNA testing.

Releasing a long form birth certificate did nothing to change the minds of right-wing Fox zombies. Obama was forever a sekrit Kenyan Muslim out to destroy America. And now Warren "refuses" to take their test to "prove" she's good enough to run for something.

Elizabeth Warren is running in 2018 for her second term in the United States Senate. The Republicans in Massachusetts have no chance of beating her, so they're taking their shots on behalf of Fox News to not-too-subtly push the "Pocahontas" racism promoted by their so-called president.

Watch for more of this as 2020 comes into focus, and we see if Warren decides to run for president (my guess is she won't, but I base that on nothing but a hunch).

Race baiting, misogyny, and fear-mongering are all the Republicans have. It's why they elected Trump. He's a white supremacy, misogynistic so-called president. And they love him for it.

The tragic thing about our current electorate is that it often works.

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