Putin Suggest Maybe 'Jews' Were Responsible For Election Hacking

Because of course he would...

If you live outside the cult of personality that surrounds Trump--or don't watch Fox News, but I am being redundant--then you know that pretty much every intel agency in the US and most of them outside the US agree that Russia meddled in our elections in 2016 (they did so in other elections as well, including France's, Germany's, and the UK Brexit vote). The extent to which they did damage is debatable and may not ever be fully known. But personally, it defies logic to think that they merely breached databases at the state level and then did nothing with voter rolls.

Now the beneficiary of said meddling is sitting in the White House and doing exactly zero to address the issue of a hostile foreign entity interfering in our elections, including suggesting that maybe Russia didn't play that big a role and that it could have been China or someone else.

So Puppetmaster Vladimir Putin has decided to chime in and suggest a possible culprit. In an interview that aired Sunday with NBC News' Megyn Kelly, Putin rebuffed suggestions that he was behind the interference.

“Maybe they’re not even Russians,” he said. “Maybe they’re Ukrainians, Tatars, Jews, just with Russian citizenship. Even that needs to be checked. Maybe they have dual citizenship. Or maybe a green card. Maybe it was the Americans who paid them for this work. How do you know? I don’t know.”

Kelly, of course, couldn't challenge him on scapegoating minorities when it's largely understood by intelligence agencies worldwide that this was directed from the highest levels of the Russian government. That doesn't fit in with her Fox News training.

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