Rick Santorum Wants Protesters To Learn CPR Instead Of Pushing To 'Pass Phony Gun Laws'

Oh look. NRA shill Rick Santorum has a solution for school shootings. Have the kids learn CPR.

NRA shill and Trump supporter Rick Santorum actually suggested that the kids out there protesting at the March for Our Lives this weekend should do something as "individuals" to solve the crisis of school shootings instead of pushing for politicians like Marco Rubio to pass regulations on gun ownership... like learn CPR.

Sadly, this was an actual segment on CNN's State of the Union and not an article from The Onion. Here's Santorum after he ignored the fact earlier in the segment that state-wide gun laws don't work because people can just bring them over from the state next door with more lax gun laws.

SANTORUM: Yeah, I mean, this is the bottom line. Is this a political effort? Is this a political movement? It very well may be, and that's fine. If the organizers, who certainly supported it, the Hollywood elites and the liberal billionaires who funded this, it's all about politics.

Is this really all about politics, or is it all about keeping our schools safe? Because if it is about keeping our schools safe, then we have to have a much broader discussion than the discussion that's going on right now.

How about kids, instead of looking to someone else to solve their problem, do something about maybe taking CPR classes, or try to deal with situations where there is some violence and how you actually respond to that? (crosstalk)

KIELLER: I would ask you, they took action.

SANTORUM: Yeah, they took action to ask someone to pass a law. They didn't take action to say how do I, as an individual, deal with this problem? How am I going to do something about stopping bullying within my own community? what am i going to do love to help respond to an issue? Those are the kinds of things where you can take it in internally and say here's how I'm going to deal with this, here's how I'm going to help the situation, instead of going and protesting and saying, oh someone else needs to pass a law to protect me.


I'm proud of them but I think everyone should be responsible with the problems we have to confront in our lives, and ignoring those problems, and saying they're not going to come to me, and saying some phony gun law is going to solve it, phony gun laws don't solve these problems. That's what we found out.

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