Ryan Zinke's Very Bad Week Continues With Flippant 'Konnichiwa' Remark

The Interior Secretary just can't help making an ass of himself.

This guy might be the biggest jackass in a cabinet replete with jackasses.

Here, he somehow manages to offend when asked a serious question about Japanese-American internment during World War II.

Source: NBC News

Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke is facing criticism from some lawmakers after he responded to a congresswoman's question about preserving the history of World War II-era Japanese-American incarceration with "konnichiwa."

During Thursday's House Natural Resources Committee hearing, Rep. Colleen Hanabusa, D-Hawaii, asked Zinke about the future of a grant program that advocates say is in danger under President Donald Trump’s proposed 2019 budget.

“Are you committed to continue to grant programs that are identified, I believe, as the Japanese American Confinement Sites grants program which were funded in 2017? Will we see them funded again in 2018?” Hanabusa, who acknowledged her grandfathers were interned during World War II, asked.

Zinke replied, "Oh, konnichiwa," before beginning to answer Hanabusa's question.

"“I think it’s still 'ohayo gozaimasu,' but that's OK," Hanabusa said, correcting him with the Japanese greeting for "good morning."

Konnichiwa means "good afternoon."

Others were not amused either.

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