Sam Nunberg Tells Ari Melber He Must 'Protect Roger Stone'

What is Roger Stone hiding?

Sam Nunberg continued his Monday Massacre by ranting in person on The Beat with Ari Melber. Ari, to his credit, allowed the camera to keep rolling for almost 30 minutes and handled Nunberg with kid gloves, asking a few times if he was "doing ok." Compassionate in the face of what appears to be a real-time mental breakdown.

Here are a few posts/videos from earlier today: Call in to Katy Tur Part 1 and Part 2. There were also calls to Jake Tapper on CNN and other calls to CNN post The Beat.

Here is a critical part of the 20+ minute interview with Ari:

MELBER: Barbara, what you're saying, under the law, based on what's happening on Mr. Nunberg's own was one Grand Jury documentary deadline that he's passed and the other is the subpoena to go in that he vows to defy, they would file a contempt proceeding at what point?

MCQUADE: Lawyers typically try to work things out. If a witness says I don't have enough team to go through those e-mails, you can ask for more time. I've heard a lot of reasons. I've heard unreasonable, "I don't want to incriminate my mentor, Roger Stone" which would not be an appropriate the use of the Fifth Amendment right not to incriminate yourself. The one example that comes to mind is Susan McDougal. She was held in contempt and jailed for 108 months for that contempt.

MELBER: So Sam, your reaction to hearing that laid out by a federal prosecutor and what Ms. McQuade just said. I'm trying to be fair and accurate.

NUNBERG: You are being fair.

MELBER: The implication of what she is analyzing under the law is the way you've spoken out, and you've spoken out several times today, the way you're speaking out, she said is actually potentially hurting, undermining the type of case you might make for why you shouldn't have to testify, because you're putting forth the idea that you might not want to testify to protect someone else's conduct.

NUNBERG: I'm not protecting Roger's conduct. They went after Manafort and Gates. I met Paul once at a Yankee ALC's. They went after activities earlier than the campaign. If they're trying to build a case against Roger, i'm not going to be part of it. I'm not. Roger didn't do anything. Roger didn't do anything but get treated like crap by Donald Trump, the President.

You keep saying there won't be a consequence. What if the consequence is going to jail?
They're not going to send me to jail. You know what, Mr. Mueller, if he wants to send me to jail, he can send me to jail and i'll laugh about it, and i'll make a bigger spectacle than I am right here on your show.

MELBER: I don't know what they're going to do, and I can't prove it. But if you speak to his point, you're saying that's not going to happen. You outlined a different case where the refusal to testify did result in a lengthy time in jail.

MCQUADE: I don't want to give Mr. Nunberg legal advice. He should consult with his own lawyer about what he should do in this case, but if his evidence is that Roger did nothing wrong, he should say that to the Grand Jury. They can exonerate any of these people

NUNBERG: -- what if they want me again? How many times do I have to go to the grand jury?

WILEY: If the Grand Jury wanted you again, it would be because there's additional information forth coming that they did not have the opportunity to ask you about. I think this is important here. Sam, you got immunity, so you have no reason not to testify. As you told us today.


WILEY: Not only that, not only that, it actually makes it appear that Roger Stone has something to hide because you will not go testify.

NUNBERG: He has nothing to hide.

WILEY: Well, then go testify.

NUNBERG: You know what, i'll tell you what, okay, so I don't mind about testifying. I'm not going to sit there for 80 hours to do. I have to earn a living.

MELBER: Mm-hm.

NUNBERG: I don't think this is fair. I don't think it's fair to ask me, Paul Manafort, Rick Gates, once again, like I told you, Corey Lewandowski, Hope Hicks. Do you think I was talking to Corey and Hope Hicks while they were having their affair? Carter Page? Never met him. By the way, look at this. Donald Trump.

MELBER: Is number three on the list.

NUNBERG: That's -- I think that that's a problem when they ask that, too. Now, now I would turn over anything.

MELBER: But -- no, you wouldn't. The whole point, the whole reason you're here right now is because you're saying you won't turn over things. That's the problem, Sam.

NUNBERG: I said I won't spend 80 hours going over e-mails with Steve Bannon and Roger Stone. Ari, Roger and me and Steve, we communicated like 50 times a day.

Nunberg also mentioned to Ari that the deadline for his document turnover was 3pm today, so he clearly violated that order. Will Mueller do a nice little raid on his home in the coming days? Will he wait until Friday and then find him in contempt? Get your popcorn ready, folks.

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