Scarborough: So Much News, It's Hard To Know Where To Begin

"So what's today going to hold in store?" the Morning Joe host said.

Yeah, the giant news dumps are getting to everyone, and Scarborough admitted as much this morning.

"The news gods must be crazy," he said.

"All in the course of one day, we saw former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort arraigned on charges of money laundering and conspiracy. The president also attacked his own attorney general and was calling Jeff Sessions reportedly Mr. Magoo. NBC news came out yesterday with an exclusive report that Bob Mueller is now asking the question, did Donald Trump know about the hacked Democratic e-mails before they were released?"

But wait, there's more! The resignation of Hope Hicks as White House communications director also broke yesterday afternoon.

Trump also freaked out the NRA-owned Republicans by talking about picking a fight with the NRA, and proposing new gun safety measures "that went well beyond what the Democrats would ever have expected from the president," Scarborough said.

(That's of course assuming Trump won't change his mind ten times before actually doing anything.)

"Jeff Sessions then fired back at the president of the United States with a statement defending the integrity of his Justice Department. That, as the Washington Post published new reporting that the Mueller investigation is now examining the president's apparent efforts to drive out the attorney general last summer.

"And to cap off the day, last night as you were going to sleep, the New York Times breaking news that Jared Kushner's business got big loans from a billionaire after regularly hosting him at the White House and even discussing a possible job for him inside the Trump administration.

"And yes, my friends, that was all yesterday," Scarborough mused.

"I don't know where to start. The gun meeting was shocking. the president of the United States actually did what no Republicans have been willing to do and decided to side with 60, 70, sometimes 90% of the public and go against the NRA. That was shocking enough. Hope Hicks was shocking. I mean, it was an extraordinary news day and then in the middle of it you saw an AP poll that came up that says 57% of Americans think the president of the United States is a racist."

(Bug, or feature?)

"You know, the fire hose analogy has become kind of a cliche, but it was never more true than yesterday," Willie Geist replied.

He pointed out that any one of those stories would have been a story of the year for a previous administration.

"The one we've been talking about on set is the one you just mentioned, which was that gun meeting where you had a Republican president of the United States laying out on live television the case for gun control. and it was no slip of the tongue," he said.

"He went through taking guns before due process, raising the age to 21, floated the possibility of an assault weapons ban, no concealed-carry reciprocity, expanded background checks. Stunned Republicans sat and watched the performance and Democrats couldn't believe it."

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