Slaughter Lobby Doubles Down: Dana Loesch's Disgusting NRA-TV Ad

Dana Loesch is quickly becoming a self-parodying joke. It's so bad.

Dana Loesch is selling you something.

She sells you anger. Outrage. "performance-enhancing" beet juice in a powder.

But mostly the anger and outrage.

The ad for her own new NRA-TV weekly infomercial is as vicious and disgusting as you might expect, but I even think she's veering into self-parody territory here:

To every lying member of the media, to every Hollywood phony, to the role model athletes who use their free speech to alter and undermine what our flag represents, to the politicians who would rather watch America burn than lose one ounce of their own personal power, to the late-night hosts who think their opinions are the only opinions that matter...," Loesch says against a backing track of ominous music. "...your time is running out.

Actually, time is running out for gun manufacturers, as young voters flock to the "Never Again" movement prompted by the Parkland Florida high school massacre.

At this point the NRA is trying the double down move, which is a sure sign that their "silence after a shooting incident until it blows over" habit isn't working.

In a statement to Newsweek, founder of Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America Shannon Watts said the ad wasn't surprising. She was more surprised by the companies that give the NRA's content a platform, she said.

"Once again, NRA TV is using its reach to threaten the media and all who dare to stand up to its radical vision of America," Watts said. "It's not surprising to see more violence-inciting content from NRA TV, but what does floor me is Apple, Google, Amazon and Roku's willingness to allow this dangerous content on its streaming platforms. I don't expect better from the NRA, but I do expect better from our leaders in tech."

There's more bad news for gun manufacturers: banks are starting to notice they're funding mass murder.

Related: John Oliver had a 20 minute segment on NRA-TV on his show last night; he and his staff watched more NRA-TV for this segment than I hope I'm forced to watch in my lifetime:

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