Trump Blames Democrats For 'Forcing' Him To Sign Spending Bill

And he lied some more... of course.

Trump needs to blame someone else for this spending bill, make sure he's better than Obama, and get out of town before the March for Our Lives people come to town and embarrass him.

Mission Accomplished:

One of the things you saw two days ago with Saudi Arabia and with other countries, Saudi Arabia as an example is buying hundreds of billions of dollars' worth of our equipment. And we're getting very fast approvals on that. Therefore, as a matter of national security, I've signed this omnibus budget bill. There are a lot of things I'm unhappy about in this bill. There are a lot of things we shouldn't have had in this bill but we were, in a sense, forced if we want to build our military, we were forced to have. There are some things we should have in the bill. But I say to Congress; I will never sign another bill like this again. I'm not going to do it again. Nobody read it. It's only hours old. Some people don't even know -- it's $1.3 trillion. It's the second largest ever. President Obama signed one that was actually larger, which I'm sure he wasn't too happy with, either. But in this case, it became so big because we need to take care of our military. And because the Democrats, who don't believe in that, added things that they wanted in order to get their votes. We have to get rid of the filibuster rule. We have to get rid of the filibuster rule and go to 51 votes in the Senate if we're going to have really sustained, continued success. Daca recipients have been treated extremely badly by the Democrats. We wanted to include DACA. We wanted to have them in this bill. 800,000 people. And actually, it could even be include DACA in this bill. The Democrats would not do it. They would not do it. To prevent the omnibus situation from ever happening again, I'm calling on Congress to give me a line-item veto for all government spending bills.

John Amato adds:

Donald Trump has been bragging since he ran for office how strong and powerful he is, the maker of deals, nobody gets over on him and yet he just capitulated on a 1.3 trillion dollar spending bill that most of his ardent supporters are blasting him for signing.

His ego is such that he needed to create some sort of a spectacle so he called a press conference to announce that he was signing the spending bill after bluffing that he may veto it. The man who told America that he was the only person that can fix the country, he was the only person that could drain the swamp, he was the only person that could make America great again today told America how weak and cowardly and feckless he is.

If you claim to be "the master of the deal and the most powerful man in the world," how could you be forced to sign anything? But today he told the world that he was powerless and was forced to sign a deal that he hated.

That's not leadership but cowardice.

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