Ainsley Earhardt ‘Just Asks’ If Bombing Syria Would Distract From Comey’s Book

Ainsley just Cavuto'ed all over Geraldo.

As Donald Trump was publicly fuming over former FBI Director James Comey’s about-to-be-released bombshell book, Fox & Friends cohost Ainsley Earhardt just happened to wonder aloud, during the show, whether bombing Syria might be “a bigger story” in the media.

Comey’s book is already making waves. It’s also getting under Trump’s very thin skin:

Yesterday, Associated Press published an article in which Earhardt and colleagues ridiculously claimed they do not tailor their remarks to their Viewer In Chief (even though others blatantly do so). The AP reported about Earhardt:

"I guess in the back of my mind I occasionally think [Trump] could be watching," she said. "But it doesn't affect anything that I say, my opinions or how I report the news."

If you believe that, I’ve got a bridge in Brooklyn to sell you.

This morning, after Trump’s Twitter attack on Comey, the Fox & Friends hosts talked to Geraldo Rivera. First off, Rivera took a swipe at Comey and the FBI. “He is a leaker,” Rivera agreed about Comey. Whether or not he’s a liar “remains to be seen.”

Rivera also sympathized with Dear Leader for suffering with “tabloid” “distractions” while he contemplates “a measured strike against Syria that will do more good than harm,” as well as such other issues as reconsidering the Trans-Pacific Partnership. Rivera expounded on his support for the TPP until Earhardt interrupted to ask this question:

EARHARDT: If the president, and France, and the UK decide to strike Syria, don't you think that story would be a bigger story than Comey's book that's released on Tuesday?

Rivera now expressed fear that a military strike “might be not worth the price we will pay in complicating the situation in Syria.”

But we know what matters most to Trump. And so does Earhardt. What kind of person would even ask such a question? Someone who is fine with people dying and escalating a dangerous war in service to making Trump look good.

crossposted from Newshounds

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