Barbara Bush Has Died And The Breitbartniks Are Appropriately Solemn*

*Just kidding! They're Breitbartniks, after all

Barbara Bush has died, and among Breitbart commenters, her passing has inspired a period of solemn reflection:

I was hoping she would outlive the Hillda-beast Clinton. Mrs. Bush had more class in her pinky toenail than Clinton and moochelle could have in a lifetime.


REPUBLICAN FIRST LADIES are nothing but class who know their place in History.

DONKEY First Ladies act like JackAsses consumed with HATE.

Yes, all the Bush's are still BITTER that Little Jeb didn't win.


Republicans know their place and ride off into the Sunset. Democrats have an ego that demands the never-ending spotlight. We'll never get rid of Bill, Obama, and their First Hags.


And then there's Al Gore and the Gaffe o' Matic Biden.


She loved Hillary you jack2$$.


The Hillda-beast husband don't even love the Hillda-beast, I think Mrs. Bush was just being nice.


Go blow the progressive Allah Obama's husband Mike


The entire Bush family voted for Hillary.


Yup, and why I no longer care for this family and any members. They are pretenders. They are supporters of the deep state that is crushing our country.


They pretty much have said so. The Clintons and Bushes were very close. Why? How could anybody embrace Hillary or Bill? I figure we know nothing about the extent of the corruption with the Clintons. These families love to portray how much they love the US and how saintly they are. It simply is not true. I am sick of putting these families on pedestals.


I predict 2018 will claim Bush 1 and Carter, McCain most likely as well.


The Reaper is right on McCain's trail.


Nah...The Demons in Hell are working hard to keep the Reaper away from McCain.

After all, there is so much more Evil he can do if kept alive.


Please let McCain be next.


3 of the most destructive forces in U.S. history.


Read"Trance-Formation of America" about the CIA mind control program, MK-Ultra to see what kind of scoundrel Bush Sr. is.


He was accused of actually being a coward and there has been a great deal of suspicion around his service and his service, for one, She hated conservatives like the whole clan, and the whole family loves the Clinton's, they even voted for the witch, so stop with the load.


Let us not forget the fathers very suspicious association with the Kennedy assassination and his CIA involvement.


GHW was having breakfast with Senior bin Laden in NYC on 9/11. They watched the twin towers fall, while they were gnoshing on parboiled baby foreskins, then pulled off the greatest bond heist in history....

There is only the Color Purple Mil.Gov UniParty, a fraudulent arm of the criminal Fed Bank. Too late now. USA Inc no longer exists. We are dead busted hillbilly broke. By 2020 we will have gone the way of USSR.

And it all began with GHWs Gramm-Lurch-Bliley Bankster Bill, pushed through by Gingrich's Contract on American's.

Massive unmatched Fed financial crimes, and when this s'show blows, it will become the greatest Christian Holocaust in human history.


She was the matriarch of a family that gave us George H.W. Bush, George W. Bush and Jeb Bush. I'm not too fond of anybody with that track record. Since the Bush family is full of weak males who are easily pushed around, I understand why the left would have a certain affection.


They were and are a open border family....F them!



Yeah, they're just moved to tears right now.

Originally published at No More Mr. Nice Blog

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