Call The Wahmbulance! Laura Ingraham Calls Ad Boycott 'Stalinist'

And she should know!

Poor, poor Laura Ingraham. The vicious right-wing attack dog is getting a taste of her own tactics, and she doesn't like it, one bit!

"Conservatives probably now see how naive it was to believe that this squelching of free speech would end once they left campus," she said.

"Instead, the left's propaganda shaped a new generation of young adults, who then parroted all that malarkey about the patriarchy, and then they came up with their own new phrases like 'microaggressions' and 'safe spaces,' and 'white privilege.'

Oh, poor you!

"Today, left-wing activists use these terms as bludgeons to intimidate those who disagree with them from entering the dialogue at all. So for all their talk of inclusion, the left doesn't invite more voices to enter the public discussion. Instead, they drive out any dissenting voice and police the dogma of their own creation," said the Queen of Inclusion.

"And by the way, other data indicate that hostility to free expression is starting even earlier than college -- meaning, these kids are picking it up either at home or in high school, junior high, or in both places. This, too, is super disheartening. It is critical that all of us, regardless of where we fall on the ideological spectrum, recognize the perilous road that we are on.

"Think about it -- if 40 to 50 percent of the country feels like their right to free expression is less worthy of protection than that of any garden variety leftist? Where does that leave our First Amendment? As a shell of its former self is the answer.

"There is a contraction of free speech all around us (LIKE TELLING LABRON JAMES TO SHUT UP, LAURA?), and few seem to even notice. Many of you have become accustomed to editing yourselves -- let's face it. Expressing views that just five or 10 years ago were considered mainstream can now get you fired. It can cause to you lose a promotion, or you could be branded a hater, or, yes, you can get boycotted."

In words, being a hateful tool no longer pays the way it used to. THAT'S NOT FAIR!!!

"At the end of tonight's show, I'm going to be announcing my response to this dangerous epidemic, and what this show will do in the coming weeks to expose the perpetrators, their tactics, their major players, and their funders. Their efforts are Stalinist, pure and simple," said the supporter of the Russian-loving president.

They're such perfect examples of projection, aren't they?

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