Dem Senators Want Trump To Explain His Ties To The Koch Brothers

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I look at how Democrats are gearing up for the midterms, and I like what I see. Let's bring right-wing pond scum out into the light and let them shrivel in the sun. Via McClatchy:

A group of Democratic senators is asking the administration to explain its ties to Charles and David Koch after the conservative, wealthy brothers bragged to donors that they were responsible for some of President Donald Trump’s policies his first year in office.

The senators sent a letter asking for information this week following the distribution of a report to the Seminar Network, a group of donors that fund Koch brothers political and policy efforts, that takes credit for more than a dozen new policies, including replacing the Clean Power Plan, which cut greenhouse gas emissions from power plants, revoking monument designations, streamlining permits for infrastructure projects, repealing limits on short-term health insurance plans; and implementing tax cuts.

“Americans have a right to know if special interests are unduly influencing public policy decisions that have profound implications for public health, the environment, and the economy,” the senators write in their letters obtained by McClatchy.

The letters launch a larger effort by Democratic lawmakers to reveal the extent of the Koch brothers’ influence in the Trump administration.

Now, we all know the scope of the Kochtopus is much bigger than any liberal groups, and they buy vast amounts of political influence. We only know about the groups we can track down, and the Kochs are famous for washing their contributions through a network of right-wing, dark money groups.

Go, Dems, go!

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