Snap! Democratic Congressman Destroys Tucker Carlson
This is how you do it!
Congressman Sean Patrick Maloney (D-NY) shows his collegues how you do an interview with Tucker Carlson. Stick to the issues, don't get sidetracked by Tucker's nonsense, and slip in those FACTS that Fox News viewers aren't supposed to hear on this network.
Fox News continually announces that Mueller has been going on "too long," and has found "nothing." Now Tucker Carlson is horrified that the president's sex life and lying to the FBI are somehow felonies, the height of hypocrisy given the Clinton years. And yes, Maloney brings that up, too.
Partial Transcript via Media Matters:
TUCKER CARLSON (HOST): You may remember Robert Mueller's investigation was created originally with a very clear purpose, finding evidence of Russian meddling in the U.S. elections, "Putin hacked our democracy," and so this investigation was going to look into possible collusion between Russians and Americans. There's supposed to be a lot of evidence of that.
There hasn't been, virtually none has turned up. Instead, the investigation has continued, though, and it's evolved, just as some of us warned it would a year ago -- just like all of these investigations do. It has -- again, like all of them -- become an endless all-purpose investigation of the president, and his life, his business, his friends, even his sex life, as we've seen this last week.
The point is that we saw this week federal agents basically break into the office of the president's lawyer, in search of facts about the Access Hollywood tape and a porn star.
SEAN PATRICK MALONEY (D-NY): Right. I think when you say "break in," you mean, "execute a legal warrant" --
CARLSON: They came in by force, so they weren't welcome, and --
MALONEY: That's what -- that's what people do when they execute a search warrant.
CARLSON: But is it -- I'm aware of that --
MALONEY: It's called due process, by the way.
CARLSON: I'm aware of that, but is it a good thing? I mean, so -- I just want a Democrat to say, "You know what? I'm not for this."
And Maloney ends the interview as he began it, with a countdown of what Mueller has actually accomplished, along with an accurate statement of how long this investigation has taken.
MALONEY: When you have critical evidence of serious wrongdoing, 13 -- 22 indictments, 13 russians, 100 felonies, Tucker, and a, bipartisan consensus on letting this investigation simply do its work --
CARLSON: (SURRENDERING) Look, I'm with that. let's roll it up and get to the business of running the country.
MALONEY: Less than a year and he has a bunch of indictments.
CARLSON: I feel a lot safer now that Paul Manafort is in jail. Thank you very much.
In Tucker's line of work, international money laundering is Okay if you're a Republican (IOKIYAR).