Even Alan Dershowitz Has A Line He Won't Cross For Hannity

He won't tell Sean Hannity it was okay to hide his conflict.

We all know Sean Hannity defended Michael Cohen with the ferocity of a mama bear on his show. And now we know why.

This is so... unusual, even Alan Dershowitz (a usually reliable sycophant) felt it necessary to chide him.

“First of all, Sean, I want to say that I really think that you should have disclosed your relationship with Cohen when you talked about him on this show,” the attorney said.

“You could have said that you had asked him for advice or whatever. But I think it would have been much, much better had you disclosed that relationship. You are in a tough position. You had to talk about Cohen and you didn't want the fact that you had spoken to him to be revealed.”

After Hannity insisted he wasn't represented by Cohen, that he simply asked him for advice, Dershowitz rebuked him again. "I really think that you should have disclosed your relationship with Cohen when you talked about him on this show," he said.

"I have the right to privacy," Hannity replied.

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