The Good Ol' Days: Georgia Republican Challenges GOP Rival To Shoot-Out

Remember when political disputes were settled by having a duel?

Remember when political disputes were settled by having a duel?

It’s back. And it’s in Georgia.

Two political rivals in the Republican lieutenant governor primary are damn and determined to get the NRA endorsement.

Last week the NRA endorsed state senator David Shafer, saying he is “a voice for freedom and faithful friend to Georgia’s law-abiding gun owners” who offers “unwavering support for the Second Amendment.”

Well, that just pissed off former state Sen. Rick Jeffares, who says his family has been shooting things for generations and won international shooting contests and what not. Hell fire, his family “even made a baby gender announcement by firing an AR-15 through a pink balloon.” Okay, that’s just too creepy to think about for long, so let’s just move on to the duel part.

So Jeffares challenged Shafer to a shooting contest. Sadly, it isn’t a Hamilton – Burr type of duel, but a clay pigeon-shooting competition because everybody knows the test of a true gun lover is about aim.

I am not kidding you.

According to Jeffares’ challenge, the loser of the clay shoot would bow out of the race. And it just so happens both candidates will be speaking at a fundraiser luncheon Friday at the Cherokee Rose Gun Club.

Shafer hasn’t agreed to the challenge, but that isn’t stopping Jeffares. “Let’s save the people of Georgia the hassle of wading through political TV ads and mail pieces and settle this contest today,” Jeffares said. “I’ll bring an extra 12 gauge in case he doesn’t have one.”

Sounds like a plan to me. Can Dick Cheney come? I ask because it’s obvious that both these guys need shooting in the face. I hear Cheney is good at that.

Crossposted at juanitajean.com

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