Hah! Michael Cohen Is Still On RNC Fundraising Committee
Watch Ronna Romney McDaniel try to stutter her way out of this question.
Alisyn Camerota put the squeeze on RNC Ronna Romney McDaniel this morning on New Day. (Watch for McDaniel's stutter moment.)
Camerota pointed out that the RNC's former finance chair Steve Wynn and top deputy Elliott Broidy were both involved in sexual harassment scandals, while Michael Cohen has been involved with several Trump sexual harassment scandals.
“What does this all say about the culture at the RNC?” she asked.
“Elliot and Steve resigned,” McDaniel said. “Obviously, the charges were troubling. We have hundreds of fundraisers.”
“In this Me Too moment, what does it say that your finance committee is embroiled in this?”
Ronna answered with a classic "both sides do it" deflection.
Camerota asked several times if Michael Cohen is still on the finance committee. McDaniel finally admitted he's still there, because Ronna believes in "due process."
Uh huh.