Herr King (R-Iowa) Craps On Youth And Jews In One Facebook Post!

Rep. Steve King can't stop showing us he's a Nazi at heart!

Steve, Steve, Steve. You just can't hide it. Don't you know the internet is forever?

On April 20th, Iowa's Nazi Republican Representative to Congress, Steve King shared a "cute" meme on Facebook, poking fun at how useless today's youth is.

HAHAHAHAHAHA - get it??? Back then young men were responsible and strong, enrolling in the militia and such. NOW, young men are useless and post silly photos of themselves on Instagram! Ohohohoho. Good one, Steve. I could write reams about thy hypocrisy of Old White Men who complain about the youth of today when, in reality, they are the ones who created parents who created the youth of today. And how there are so many ways in which the today's kids are shining and showing us how to be better human beings. But let's just focus on the photo on the left, mkay?

The Internet, being marvelous, in this case, immediately noticed the German-ness of the guy on the left, and the date of the post. You guessed it! King posted a nostalgic photo of a 1930s German soldier on Adolph Hitler's birthday, and compared him to today's youth - favorably!

Perhaps it is a bit more subtle than, say, his appearance on Chris Cuomo's CNN show, where he calls himself a "champion of Western Civilization," and says that Western Civilization is the "SUPERIOR civilization." The one where he defended his statement, "You can't rebuild your civilization with other people's babies." I mean, there weren't any Swastikas or Iron Crosses in this April 20th Facebook share, so maybe he thought he could earn points for subtlety.

But fellow Iowa Representative Kim Weaver noticed it. Iowa Starting Line noticed it. And it's a good thing they did. Because guess what?

It's not there anymore. Check out his Facebook page now. It has been removed. Hmmmm. Did his advisers suggest taking it down after learning that people on the internet really ARE smarter and have a better memory than they gave them credit for?

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