It's Tuesday, So Another White House Staffer Quits
Looks like maybe twenty-four hours keeping a straight face next to John Bolton was too much?
He used to work for George W. Bush, so he had that going for him.
But a day after John Bolton took on National Security in Trump's White House, one of the few with any real-White House experience decided to pack his bags and flee. Washington Post:
Bossert, a favorite of Chief of Staff John F. Kelly, is leaving one day after national security adviser John Bolton began the job. Bossert, an ally of former national security adviser H.R. McMaster, was believed to be on shaky footing in the Bolton era, and he resigned two days after Michael Anton, the national security council spokesman, also quit.
Bossert, a longtime government official who was often behind nuts-and-bolts planning of the administration’s initiatives, wasn’t a marquee name. But he was liked by the president, senior administration officials said, and often defended Trump’s agenda in meetings.
One of the few adults left in the room has left. To be replaced with a "Bolton-ite." We are so screwed.
Clint Watts (video above): "I have to say he was a very effective administrator. He was in the circles I know considered an adult in the room at times in terms of policymaking. I think this is a real blow. He was leading a lot of the cybersecurity efforts which I think is one of our most important fronts in this country in terms of national security and he's doing a good job with it. He was making advances. And whenever he spoke, he was a very clear speaker. He was on message. He also seemed to understand the topics that he was talking about. And so I'm a little bit concerned. It's a little bit sad that I thought he was one of the best players on the Trump team and he's no longer there."