Late Night Comedians React To 'Trump On Fox And Friends'

An easy night for the comedy writers of late night.

Michael Avenatti and Stormy Daniels were not the only ones who got a big present out of Donald Trump's Thursday morning interview with Fox and Friends. The late night comedy writers could practically take the night off with pay.

Seth Meyers made fun of the Fox and Friends hosts, playing their reaction while Donald Trump rambled (and he plays it at high speed, hilarious!):

“Look at those faces! Those are the expressions of people thinking, ‘What have we done?’ That’s how scientists who test zombie viruses on monkeys look when they see the cage is open and the monkey is gone.”

Splitsider, Comedy Central's "The Opposition with Jordan Klepper" had a gift for Melania to top Donald's card and flowers:
"Aaron Jackson and Josh Sharp stepped in to provide the birthday gift and wishes for Melania that her husband couldn’t be bothered to give. That gift is a good one: a completely new covers-only magazine called Plead the Fifth that allows Melania to finally be featured on a cover without having to worry about the whole “in-depth interview” part of it. "

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