Maher Rips Rivera For His Trump Love And His Move To Fox

Fox's Geraldo Rivera's made an appearance on HBO's Real Time as part of his book tour, and it didn't go so well for Rivera.

Fox's Geraldo Rivera's made an appearance on HBO's Real Time as part of his book tour, and it didn't go so well for Rivera. Host Bill Maher laid into him for his support of Dear Leader over on state-run TV, and for his move to Fox.

When asked to explain why he went to the right-wing propaganda channel which has turned into nothing more than a full time cheer-leading squad for Trump these days, Rivera told Maher he wanted to be a war correspondent after the terrorist attacks on 9-11. Maher forgot to remind him about the incident where he gave away our troop positions back in 2003.

Here's more on that and the rest of the interview from the Daily Beast:

There was a time, believe it or not, when Geraldo Rivera was considered an intrepid news reporter.

In the 1970s, Rivera took home a Peabody Award for his series of reports exposing the systemic abuse of disabled patients at Willowbrook State School in Staten Island. In 1983, he was the first network television newsperson to mention AIDS on-air.

But in the years since, between the Al Capone vault fiasco, his trash-TV show Geraldo, and his questionable work for Fox News, he’s become something of a punchline.

Rivera, for instance, lied about being at the scene of a controversial friendly-fire incident during the War in Afghanistan in 2001; was kicked out of reporting in Iraq after he accidentally gave up U.S. military positions on-air in 2003; repeatedly blamed Trayvon Martin’s death on his wearing a hoodie; and has emerged as a staunch defender of President Donald Trump.

And so, promoting a new book, Rivera sat down with Bill Maher on Real Time for a good ol’-fashioned grilling.

“You were one of the original crusading reporters and you care very much about your legacy being as a journalist, so I do have to ask: Why Fox News?” queried Maher right off the bat.

“That’s a fair question. I think your characterization of Fox is a stereotype,” replied Rivera, adding, “It’s easy, because Sean Hannity, for instance, is such a big personality, to say that he represents the sum total of Fox, but I think that, with due respect, there are more voices, it’s not state-run TV, it’s conservative-leaning.”

Maher took Rivera to task when he responded by trying to play the false equivalency game with MSNBC and Fox, and he also made a $1000 bet with Rivera that Mueller would end up showing there was collusion between Trump and Russia. I'd say that's one bet Rivera will end up losing.

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