Nicolle Wallace On Conan: Sarah Palin Was A 'Canary In A Coal Mine'
Nicolle Wallace goes there. Sarah Palin proved that a monster like Trump could attract Republican voters.
Of all the Never Trumpers, Nicolle Wallace is the one I give the least grief to, because at least she admitted after the 2008 election that she did NOT vote for McCain/Palin, even though that campaign was her actual employer.
That took guts and could have cost her professionally.
And on Conan last night she pointed out that Palin was the "canary in the coalmine" for recognizing that the Republican Party wasn't what she thought it was.
CONAN: Was there a moment for you when you thought, "I'm not part of what those people may be, Republicans, or that person may be a Republican, but I'm not going with that?"
WALLACE: I mean, honestly, I think in 2008 to work for John McCain, who is also in pretty bad shape health-wise, to see that Sarah Palin's crowds were bigger and more enthusiastic for the crazy things she was saying, than him, was really the canary in the mine and the signal the party had changed.
CONAN: Telling you something was happening in this country that was angrier.
CONAN: And more extreme. Darker.
WALLACE: Yes. so she gave me my first shove, Trumpism gave me my last kick out the door.
Of course, there's no such thing as Trumpism, Nicolle, there's only the Republican Party, but good on you separating yourself from it without pretending that the "good Republicans" have the ability to "take the party back."