Oops! Trump Puts Himself In Legal Jeopardy In Fox & Friends Rant

He just can't stop from tripping himself up!

Oh, what fun! Joe Scarborough was interviewing Stormy Daniels attorney Michael Avenatti this morning when they got to show a clip of Trump calling into Fox & Friends, just minutes before:

"Do you want to hear what the president said? Take a listen," Mika Brzezinski said.

F&F: How much of your legal work was handled by Michael Cohen?

TRUMP: A percentage of the legal work, a tiny, tiny fraction, but Michael would represent me, and represent me on some things. He represents me with this crazy Stormy Daniels deal. He represented me and, you know, from what I see, he did absolutely nothing wrong. There were no campaign funds.

F&F: Then why is he pleading the Fifth?

TRUMP: Because he's got other things. He's got businesses. From what I understand, they are, I hope he's in great shape. Je's got businesses and his lawyers probably told him to do that. I'm not involved and I'm not -- I have been told I'm not involved.

"You brought up a great point. The president just admitted something, he always does this," Scarborough said. "So, the president just said that Michael Cohen represented him on the Stormy Daniels case."

"Another gift from the heavens in this case. They keep coming. I don't know how I've fallen into such good luck in this case, but I'm going to take it," Avenatti said.

"Joe, that's a very dangerous, hugely damaging admission by the president. According to what he said on Air Force One, he didn't know about the agreement or about the payoff. Michael Cohen went off and did this on a lark. Mr. Trump knew nothing about it. We now find out, that is bogus, That is a lie on Air Force One. He just admitted and tripped himself up. He admitted that Michael Cohen represented him in connection with the Stormy Daniels situation."

"When the president contradicts himself like that on Air Force One, how does that affect your case?" Scarborough said. "He is not under oath. Yes, it's embarrassing for him and we are pointing it out. What does that mean in terms of what you are trying to do?"

"It's a party admission. When you are a party to a lawsuit, doesn't matter if family member or neighbor or someone you meet on the street, whether it's recorded or not, it's a party admission. It's difficult to prove the party admissions because you don't have video or audio tape," Avenatti said. "In this case, we do."

Yes, this time is different, thanks to the blabbermouth/compulsive liar in the White House.

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