Rosenstein Expanded Mueller's Power Less Than Two Weeks After Trump Drew 'Red Line' On Finances

Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein gave special counsel Robert Mueller the authority to expand his investigation less than two weeks after President Donald Trump said that probing his finances would be a "red line."

Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein gave special counsel Robert Mueller the authority to expand his investigation less than two weeks after President Donald Trump said that probing his finances would be a "red line."

In July 2017 interview with The New York Times, Trump was asked if an investigation into his personal and company finances would cross a "red line" for the president.

"I would say yes," Trump replied. "I don’t make money from Russia. In fact, I put out a letter saying that I don’t make — from one of the most highly respected law firms, accounting firms. I don’t have buildings in Russia."

"Over the years, I’ve looked at maybe doing a deal in Russia, but I never did one. Other than I held the Miss Universe pageant there," the president added.

A court filing obtained on Monday shows that Rosenstein granted Mueller additional authorities in the Russia enquiry less than two weeks after Trump made the remarks.

The document, dated August 17, 2017, is entitled "The Scope of Investigation and Declaration of Authority." It provides Mueller with a "specific description of authority."

An unredacted portion of the document revealed that Mueller has the authority to look into Paul Manafort's ties to Russian intelligence during his time running the Trump campaign.

And while other specific authorities have been redacted from the Rosenstein document, it has since been reported that Mueller's investigators have subpoenaed financial records from the Trump Organization.

Trump has declined to say whether there will be consequence for crossing his "red line."

(h/t: Allegra Kirkland)

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