Scarborough Is Spitting Mad Over GOP Attacks On Bob Mueller

Scarborough savages the Trump lapdogs who are going after Robert Mueller.

Morning Joe's Joe Scarborough is just furious about the GOP's coordinated attacks on Bob Mueller, and he doesn't pull any punches, calling them "ethically challenged sycophants" and "Quislings."

He talked about Bob Mueller's lifelong record of service to this country and his heroism in Vietnam.

"He chose to remain in Vietnam when he could have easily gone home. After this American hero, who didn't even have to be there, had been shot through the thigh. But the president's lackeys, they're calling Mueller corrupt," he said.

"They're calling him the head of a crime family, all to defend a person who refused time and time again to answer the call of service when America needed their service."

He pointed out that Trump was healthy enough to play sports, but took deferments for bad feet.

"About those also leading Trump's charge against a war hero -- where were they? Newt Gingrich opted out of service himself, taking student and marriage deferments over and over again during the Vietnam war that Bob Mueller chose to fight for, to defend this country, shot through the thigh, continued fighting and defending this country," he said.

He pointed out Joe DeGenova, who led the Fox News attacks on Mueller this week, didn't serve, and brought up the "ethics" of those who are attacking Mueller.

The thing that really set him off was Newt Gingrich comparing the Mueller investigation to Joseph Stalin.

"I know Newt and I've liked Newt, but I want Newt to look at that tape again and I want him to ask himself, and I want Fox News to ask themselves, and I want Republicans on Capitol Hill to ask themselves, and I want conservatives across America to ask themselves, are you comfortable with a spokesperson, a lackey for the president of the United States, comparing the men and women of the FBI who protect us every day, comparing them to Nazis who slaughtered upwards of 12 million?

"Newt, are you really comfortable comparing the FBI to Joseph Stalin? I ask those leading Fox News, I ask Republicans on Capitol hill, conservatives across America, are you really comfortable attacking law enforcement officers and personnel who were protecting your children against the next ISIS terror attack on American soil, comparing those FBI agents to Joseph Stalin, a man who killed between 25 and 40 million of his own people?" he said.

He closed by saying, "You are not attacking Robert Mueller, you are attacking the United States of America, you are attacking the United States Constitution, you are attacking the genius of our Founding Fathers to make sure that for over 240 years, those sort of abuses haven't happened here, and they're still not happening here."

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