Stephanie Ruhle Calls Out Hugh Hewitt's Trump Bootlicking On Air

That's what happens when one of the smartest women on television breaks the first rule of Pundit Club.

Stephanie Ruhle Breaks The First Rule Of Pundit Club.

You don't talk about Pundit Club (h/t Alert reader and good guy WW for calling this to my attention.)

Specifically, Ms. Ruhle seems to have stumbled across one, small facet of the worst kept secret at MSNBC -- that her fellow Comcast employee, Hugh Hewitt, is an android sent from the future to destroy America.

So shocked was she by this discovery that she went right on her teevee show and did what any normal, decent human being would do. She asked Mr. Hewitt, "Hey, Hugh, WTF is up with you being a big sack of soulless douchery?"

STEPHANIE RUHLE: So the president lied, he's lying to the audience, he's lying to the American people, and I'm reading our colleague here, Hugh Hewitt, saying:

Hugh Hewitt, as a fellow journalist, he is the best promoter of his own record and people. Are you suggesting, it's a great idea when the president lies, and he should do it more often?

Now as we all know, the Great Compact of 2009 --

Voices From Above Silence a Cable TV Feud


JULY 31, 2009

Keith Olbermann of MSNBC Bill O'Reilly of the Fox News Channel regularly trade swipes at each other on their cable news shows. It was a media cage fight, televised every weeknight at 8 p.m. But the match was halted when the blood started to spray executives in the high-priced seats.

For years Keith Olbermann of MSNBC had savaged his prime-time nemesis Bill O’Reilly of the Fox News Channel and accused Fox of journalistic malpractice almost nightly. Mr. O’Reilly in turn criticized Mr. Olbermann’s bosses and led an exceptional campaign against General Electric, the parent company of MSNBC.

It was perhaps the fiercest media feud of the decade and by this year, their bosses had had enough. But it took a fellow television personality with a neutral perspective to help bring it to at least a temporary end.

At an off-the-record summit meeting for chief executives sponsored by Microsoft in mid-May, the PBS interviewer Charlie Rose asked Jeffrey Immelt, chairman of G.E., and his counterpart at the News Corporation, Rupert Murdoch, about the feud.

Both moguls expressed regret over the venomous culture between the networks and the increasingly personal nature of the barbs. Days later, even though the feud had increased the audience of both programs, their lieutenants arranged a cease-fire, according to four people who work at the companies and have direct knowledge of the deal.

In early June, the combat stopped, and MSNBC and Fox, for the most part, found other targets for their verbal missiles (Hello, CNN).

“It was time to grow up,” a senior employee of one of the companies said...

-- went by the boards long ago once the sheer savagery and depravity of Trump State Teevee's daily assault on the basic principles of civil society (along with the number of heavy hitters there who have been cashiered for being sexual predators) made ignoring it simply impossible.  

But other than the occasional pantomime eye roll and gamma-ray shade from colleagues at Hugh Hewitt's gleeful contempt for the truth --

-- I cannot recall a case where one Comcast employee plainly called out another Comcast employee for being, y'know, f*cking awful.

Check your phone, Mr. Hewitt. The calls are coming from inside the house.

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