Steve Cortes Calls FBI Raid A 'Hail Mary' Pass By Mueller

Oh dear. The deranged Trump supporter is at it again.

Last night, Anderson Cooper and a CNN panel attacked Trump defender Steve Cortes for, basically, making things up during a discussion of the raid on Michael Cohen.

“I don’t know that people understand just how amazing a situation we are in,” Michael Garagos said.

“People are glossing over this, but if you are in the criminal justice system right now and you understand that the FBI just executed a search warrant in both the home and office of the lawyer for the president of the United States. That is stunning. I don’t know there is any precedent for that.”

“I agree, it is stunning. It is stunning in the audacity that the Department of Justice is trying to usurp the power of the presidency,” Cortes said. (Say what, now?)

“How are they doing that?” Cooper said.

“Because the American people have been promised since the beginning of this investigation this was about Russia,” Cortes said.

“And what do we see now? It is not about Russia. It is about sex, a one-night stand allegedly 12 years ago with a porn star.”

(You mean, how Ken Starr was supposed to investigate an Arkansas real estate deal and came up with a president lying about sex? Like that?)

Cortes said it's about impeachment —"and that has been the basis of this case since the beginning, this sham investigation.”

(Oh dear, oh dear. He seems to have a fever.)

Cooper asked the obvious question. “So you think the FBI raided the home and the office and the hotel room where Michael Cohen was staying with judicial approval not because there is any criminality?”

Cortes called it Robert Mueller's "Hail Mary" pass. (I thought you threw a Hail Mary pass when you were losing, but what do I know?)

“The American people weren’t promised anything,” Josh Campbell, a former FBI agent, said. “The special counsel was put in place to determine if there were ties between the Trump campaign and Russia."

“If during the course of the investigation additional crimes were unearthed, they would go after that”

“Everybody who would have approved this is a Republican,” Cooper said.

“And I hear that constantly. That is an illogical cover," Cortes said.

"The Republicans in Washington D.C. have been every bit as obstructionist. This isn’t a Republican or Democrat issue, this is the swamp protecting itself and trying once again to nullify...“

“You don’t know that,” Cooper said.

“You are just saying that but you don’t know any of that. You don’t know Rod Rosenstein, or the guy who approved this raid. Do you know Chris Wray? Do you know any of these people?”

Take a couple of aspirin and go take a nap, Steve. I'm sure your hero appreciates your half-assed efforts to distort reality in his image.

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