Stormy Daniels' Attorney Says 'Thank You, Fox And Friends!'
Trump's interview this morning makes it so much easier to get at Cohen's records.
Shorter Donald Trump interview on Fox and Friends? Stormy Daniels' attorney thanked them.
MICHAEL AVENATTI: This case gets better every day, every hour, and one of the reasons why it gets better is that they step into every trap we lay.
Fox and Friends? I want to thank "Fox and Friends" for having the president on this morning to talk about our case and Michael Cohen. The president's statements this morning are very, very damaging to him in our case, because it directly contradicts what he said on Air Force One relating to his knowledge or lack thereof the agreement of $130,000. It is going to add considerable momentum to our efforts to depose the president and place him under oath, because now we have two contrary statements, made within the same month, relating to what he knew about the agreement, what he didn't know what his relationship was with Michael Cohen and we're going to utilize that statement today to argue for his deposition.
Wapo has an "annotated" transcript of the Fox and Friends interview here.
And already the prosecutors in the Cohen case are noting that since both Hannity and Trump have insisted on television that Cohen did very little work for them, there is no need to comb carefully through Cohen's documents for instances of lawyer-client privilege. HILARIOUS: