Trump Administration Tries To Tweet Sober Situation Room Pic. But...
In any other administration, this would be a major controversy. In this one, it barely rates a yawn.
Apparently, the Trump administration can't tell the truth for any reason.
Or maybe Sarah Huckabee Sanders just doesn't want Sean Spicer to be the biggest gaslighting liar of the administration (behind their boss, obviously).
Whatever is behind her soulless need to pointlessly lie, she's not even that good at it. As missiles were set off against the people of Damascus, the press secretary tweeted this:
But look closely at the picture. Who is sitting immediately to Trump's right? Vice President Mike Pence.
The problem? Mike Pence was in Lima, Peru, at the time.
So unless he's figured out a way to transport himself, he was nowhere near the "Situation Room" at the time.
Also, none of the televisions are on in the room, and we all know that most of Trump's foreign policy moves come from Sean Hannity and the Couch Crew on Fox & Friends.
Small potatoes? Sure.
But in any other administration, this would be a major controversy. And if it had been a Democratic administration, it would be at least the main story for a cycle or two.
But in the Trump administration? It doesn't even rank in the top 20 biggest lies told this week.