Trump Admits He Stayed The Night In Moscow During Miss Universe Pageant

Trump accuses James Comey of lying in his memos about Trump denying on two separate occasions that he spent the night in Moscow during the Miss Universe pageant in 2013.

Editor's Note (Frances Langum): It's important that readers know that the quotes below are actually real statements made by the President of the United States on a highly rated cable news channel.

Crooks and Liars.com
refuses to normalize this. This is a seriously unhinged person who should be removed from office on the grounds of mental unfitness.


Donald Trump phoned into his favorite morning show this Thursday for a half hour long unhinged rant, during which he admitted to watching James Comey on Anderson Cooper's show on CNN last night, even though he claims he never watches CNN anymore for the sake of his mental health.

When Trump once again accused Comey of leaking classified information in order to get a special counsel appointed, Fox & Friends cohost Steve Doocy reminded Trump that Comey said the information wasn't classified, to which he responded:

TRUMP: Well, it's totally classified. He also leaked memos which were classified. Nobody unclassified them. And those memos were about me, and they're phony memos. He didn't write those memos accurately. He put a lot of phony stuff. For instance, I went to Russia for a day or so a day or so, a day or two, because I own the Miss Universe Pageant.

So, I went there to watch it because it was near Moscow. So I go to Russia. Now, I didn't go there, everybody knows, the logs are there, the planes are there. He said I didn't stay there a night. Of course I stayed there. I stayed there a very short period of time, but of course I stayed.

Well, his memo said I left immediately. I never said that. I never said I left immediately.

So he said –and you know the funny thing, he does these memos, and fake news CNN, who's a total fake, you know, they give Hillary Clinton the questions to the debate. Nobody, can you imagine, by the way, if you gave me the questions to a debate? They would have you out of business and they'd have me, you better get out of this campaign with that. They don't even bring it up. I mean, CNN, fake news CNN actually gave the questions to the debate!

Brian Kilmeade did his best to interrupt him and walk him back from the ledge, to no avail. Trump continued to rant about Comey and the Justice Department refusing to prosecute him.

When Steve Doocy reminded Trump that it's his Justice Department run by Republicans, Trump accused the Justice Department of having a "witch hunt going on" with people in the DOJ who "shouldn't be there," and then rambled on endlessly about all of his great accomplishments since taking office, the Democrats supposedly colluding with the Russians, and said he's staying out of things for now, but he might change his "mind at some point because what is going on is a disgrace."

So who are we going to believe? Trump, who lies every time his lips are moving, or James Comey? Anyone think Trump would be admitting to this if the flight records hadn't come out earlier this week?

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